DaCreativeGenius Icons
sketching, drawing, vector art made fresh daily
Recently I have been thinking about my professional presentation and body of work on my website dacreativegenius.com
Some of the art biz advice I share with artists is to update your portfolio with your best pieces and make sure your social media has the best of the best in your profile as well as the social names are consistent across platforms. I haven't followed my own advice. I throw everything I do into my @DeltaTangoMike profiles on IG and Twitter plus my DeltaTangoMike website needed an overhaul. Update time is now! Here are the new icons I will use to describe my talents and services. I finally have my original IG profile back in action and I will only post finished, polished art that directs visitors to my website. It is 2021 and if you're gonna play the game, then play to win! #WinTheGame2021 |
Then of course, I really liked the icons so here they are!